Park Misun posted a picture of an article on her IG with the title "BJ Chulgoo, after controversy bashing the late Park Jisun's visuals, takes it to Park Misun "mob beating""
Park Misun: Who are you? Before judging my face, go take a look in the mirror and talk. Life really brings you all kinds of things to undergo. Think before you talk if you have a brain.
OP: As a public figure, the way you dealt with this is damn low... Do you think that treating him back the same way will solve anything? You're the one claiming to think before speaking if you have a brain, but have you thought about people who have brain diseases? How they would feel if they saw a comment like that? This is something that you shouldn't have said if you thought a bit more before speaking
OP: Gagwomen always laugh at others by bashing their appearance no? It's hilarious that you're this short-tempered.
Park Misun: We don't do this to strangers
OP: The pot calls the kettle back. I wonder who makes those proverbs in our country
Park Misun: Why am I the hypocrite/the kettle?
OP: But he didn't even bash your visuals? He just said that people who look like Park Misun should screw off, how is this bashing your visuals? So if I said "People who look like Kim Taehee should screw off" means that I bash Kim Taehee's face? Isn't it just because you're insecure about your own face? Misun Nuna should watch the video before posting this, if not, you'll get the backlash. That guy has a super harsh fandom
data-original-width="1024" height="640" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh7QiBenOSyCDpHshYyy6dPRy06MUkYWAUasjpM4SWPf_xl09-3ZPCbt6cLZS3CwhArosTx5tD8scTXYEL_f2kyBmt-ImyBv8-LWj4WEQLOwSk8KaFsAkJUCp9jLKlfm7hng6vPLJXtpzef/w555-h640/5.jpg" width="555">
OP: So we can't even joke about celebrities face anymore? You're blowing things out of proportions.. Sigh
Park Misun: Do it in private. Who said you can't?
original post: here
1. I f*cking hate that Chulgoo guy, his fans are just the same
2. Disgusting f*ckers, don't touch Park Misunㅡㅡ Stay still in your corner
3. The kettle calling back the pot? What bullsh*tㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Seriously seeing the level of their comment, I can see Chulgoo in them
4. Those trashy f*ckers, they're hopeless seriously
5. Freaking hate them seriously... Misun nim fighting ㅠㅠ
6. I know we live in a society that can barely draw the line between Youtubers/BJs and celebrities, but have they never thought why they are different from celebrities?ㅡㅡ
7. R*tarded fandom ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
8. Why would she drag patients who have brain disease??? This is just dumbfounding.. Please sue them!!!
9. Ah Chulgoo's fans sense of belongingness is hilariousㅋㅋㅋ They really think they did something
10. People with brain disease? Really?ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ F*ck this they're ganging up against her
11. Unnie please sue them~!!!
12. How are there so many trash watching his show?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13. Dumb fandomㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They looks like insects