Yoo Youngchul's victim's family received a full blown kick in order to protect the criminal which raised a huge controversy
(Read about Yoo Youngchul here)

At that time, the US and Japanese news criticized the Korean police for the way they dealt with the scene
The public also flooded the news with criticism towards the detective who kicked the person
At that time, the police and the detective admitted their mistakes and apologized towards the bereaved family, they also punished the detective
Those were their answers when questioned about the over protection of criminals at that time
Q: What would you have done if she had a knife?
- We need to obey the guidelines in accordance to the principles of protection of suspects. There are certain distance that they need to stand away from that needs to be respected.
But the bereaved family member, the woman in her 40s, have broken those guidelines although without a lethal weapon.
Q: Was kicking her the best way to deal with this?
- Even in the US, a country that allows guns, there is no such things like punching or kicking because the bereaved family rushes to the suspect. This was a first instance that Korea created.
Q: Besides, the woman from the bereaved family didn't really rushed to the suspect the scene?
- She was at a distance that the
authorities recognized that this could happen and it was close enough so that we had to stop it.
Especially during the escorting of the suspect, we recognize that there are emotional behaviors that could be expressed by the bereaved families. The detective's action was a result of his complacency to the guidelines set in place
Q: So the police only did their job? What fault did they commit?
- What if that kick caused the bereaved family to fall headfirst and have a concussion? Was it considered self-defense?
- If that bereaved family member is injured, the victim formula is established, which means no different than defending the criminal. This issue is not about how police works, but about principles and overreaction. Catching a petty thief is the job of the police, but shooting and arresting a petty thief means overreacting.
original post: here
1. Please start funding for AI police, this is so hopeless that all I can think of is replacing them iwth AI police
2. F*ck what is the police even doing? My taxes are f*cking wasted
3. He didn't even push her with his hands, but straight up with his foot. This just shows how low the police is
4. What are they doing to this poor mother who lost her kid? F*cking assh*les
5. Wow this is seriously so shocking that my hands are trembling... So they're going as far as kicking people like this to protect the criminal?? The police??
6. Wow this is seriously wow... So shocking. She's a family member of the victim, I would understand her if she decided to bring a knife with her. That crazy f*cker is alive, yet my kid just got killed by him
7. To be honest, usually business bosses are more likely to empathize for the perpetrators than the victims, just like here, they're sympathizing with the criminal instead, this world is f*cked
8. I don't think the police wanted to protect the criminal, but more like they got mad because the bereaved family was swearing at the police and kicked her
9. Is he a crazy f*Cker ????? The bar dropped so low for the police
10. This is the bar for policemen tsk tsk