She's a foreign YouTuber and makes guesses on where the celebrities have gotten surgery on by comparing their past and present pictures.
At first, she was just doing foreign celebrities so I didn't care
But now, I saw that she started to analyze Korean idols too?
So with my limited English skills, I started watching her with subtitles on
Looking through her videos, the ridiculous thing is that she doesn't just make assumptions on the part of the celebrity's face that changed but she takes pictures where the angles and lighting are all different, and says things like "I think that she got fillers here, I think that she got her nose done, I think that she got liposuction or lip fillers", etc;;;
The comments are all saying how "the extreme K-pop fans have to acknowledge this,
Surgery isn't something you should be ashamed of,
Wow it's fun, please do BTS and Twice next,
It's awful that she (the YouTuber) has to put a disclaimer at the beginning of her video (saying how her and her family took legal actions over hate comments)" etc...;;
The reason why her videos are offensive isn't whether the celebrities had surgery not had. It's because people are taking her assumptions as facts and that's giving me goosebumps and makes me so mad.
I'm also annoyed at how K-pop idols are all gonna be perceived as plastic beauties
Ah also, there are even people who are doubting how how the idols' skin color at their debut is different from nowㅋㅋㅋ;;;
style="clear: both; text-align: left;">

By the way, I love BP, I'm a Blink.
Maybe I should post this in enter-talk?
Videos for ref:
post response:
original post: here
1. [+648, -14]
It's like the kids who got plastic threw out their conscience away
2. [+370, -4]
So even things like this can become contents huh
3. [+323, -6]
What do you mean by "there are all sorts of f*cked up contents out there?".. She should focus on where to fix in her own face or something instead, f*ck... I don't even like BP but I can't endure this
4. [+161, -1]
She's gonna wake up to her mind when other channels will start analyzing her faceㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5. [+146, -3]
I find it f*cking funny how she says that they got surgery because they lost their baby fat. It's because these people lost all their baby fat and already have 1-2 wrinkles even before becoming adults....
6. [+121, -3]
F*ck, do you know what she's doing with her video intro? She's saying how if she or her family receive any threat, she'll send it to the FBIㅋㅋㅋ Do these yankees have any conscience?