Let's start!
For me, when I become an adult, I want to work hard to earn money and buy my own house! Also, I want to go to my bias' concert and to Prague in Czech Republic!! I hope to realize my dreams...⭐
original post: here
1. [+256, -5]
I want to go on a trip overseas with my real friends..
2. [+347, -5]
I want to buy a house in a small village in a quiet and peaceful country like Switzerland. Once I get old, I'll go there and buy a house there. That's
my biggest bucket wishㅠㅜㅜㅜ just thinking about it makes me happy.. If I find it boring because there's nothing to do, I can read, draw or do cross-stitch. If not, I can go out for a walk or go to the market... I know that it's impossible but just thinking about it makes me so f*cking happy. So in order to make it come true, I need to make a f*cking lot of money
3. [+176, -8]
This is seriously not much but I want to have a sleepover with my friends and watch romantic high teen movies while eating a f*cking lot of ice cream.. And when we get sleepy, we can lean on each other's shoulders... I want to try small things like that
4. [+147, -2]
I want to look f*cking badass when I go back to our middle school's alumni reunion. I don't want to just be pretty. I want to work out and have a nice body and be in a profession where I can earn a lot of money
5. [+130, -3]
My lifetime wish is to meet Yoo-neunim. Seriously, I want to see him if once while walking in the streetsㅠㅠ
