post response:
original post: here
1. [+315, -4]
But I find it funny how broadcast stations have this performative social distancing
2. [+286, -5]
But having partitions is just to silence the people who complain about Corona... in real life, they are useless
3. [+129, -22]
hope that this gets to the featured talks. Our government has to wake up to the reality
4. [+116, 0]
Yah but this is hilariousㅋㅋㅋㅋ why are they using partitions among themselves? They will spend the whole day around each other anyways. What's the point of using partitions on broadcast?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5. [+58, -35]
Then masks are also useless if people who wear them still end up catching Corona...? It's not that 100% of the virus will be blocked by the partitions at the entrance exam. But perhaps, they will be able to reduce the contagion by 10% ㅜㅜㅜ we shouldn't approach infection prevention tactics like this..ㅠㅠㅠ I get that it's a shame that we have partitions and have to wear masks during the entrance exam but everyone is doing this in order to protect each other right?ㅠㅠ I wrote my entrance exam in the last row so the supervisor was right next to me. The supervisors were a big distraction but it couldn't be helped... I could see them moving around in my peripheral visionㅠㅠ so the most important thing here is that you need to be mentally focusedㅠㅠ also, from what I learned so far, the entrance exam isn't everything. Going to university isn't everything either ㅜㅜ me too I was intimidated by the entrance exam and thought that my life would be over because of it. But people's success in life and happiness aren't related at all ㅠㅠ anyways, they decided that the partitions would be at the entrance exam so if you are bothered by it, it's your loss.. so just accept it and there's still time for you to get used to it. So let's practice writing our exams with partitions on!!!! Fighting!!!!