


Even if she healed, her lung capacity and kidney condition will be compromised, it'll be hard for her to promote, seriously I'm crying 

post response:
original post: here

1. [+825, -75]
Why would you go to a birthday party in this economy? 

2. [+569, -28]
We're telling you to not gather yet you still gather

3. [+458, -32]
Why are they still doing birthday parties? 

4. [+237, -5]
Seriously holding a birthday party on the 4th is a bit much no? This was the situation on December 3rd, there was a spreader identified on the entrance exam day. There had to test 500-600 people in one day, you weren't supposed to go to gatherings let alone birthday parties. Why are you even gathering? 

5. [+221, -2]
We're not in the phase 1 anymore, they've announced phase 2 of COVID, there's only a few days until the comeback too, it's problematic to think that as a singer, you will risk it for a birthday party. It's not only her own comeback, but something that hundreds of staffs have worked for, I'm shocked to see how non-complacent she can be. And to add on what she wrote in her fancafe was just absurd.. 


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