original post: here
1. Karina is so pretty
2. No but Karina's proportions are seriously shocking... she's a Barbie doll
3. Karina is just crazy
4. I really liked the startㅋㅋㅋ the sight of them sitting and getting up so so cool. You can't help but fangirl on SM's group. They
are just mesmerizing
5. Karina was the best...
6. She's a f*cking celebrity
7. Winter's dance lines remind me a of Taeyeon
8. What's up with Karina's proportions... she has nice proportions and dances well. And is the length of her neck for real? She seriously looks like an avatar...
9. The one with the black top dances well
10. As expected, even in their choreography, their rank in dance skill would be Winter, Ning Ning, Karina = Giselle. The more I see Giselle, the more she looks cute
11. Giselle's legs aree f*cking long and her waist is so high
12. In the Ah yah yah yah yah yah yah part, I ended up only looking at Giselleㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13. Winter dances so well
14. Who's the main dancer?? No one really stands out to me
15. Karina is daebak