I've hung out in groups of 3 (with me included) and every time we walked together, the two of them would walk together in front of me, and if they talked about something, they would share between themselves and I would just trail behind them...
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original post: here
1. [+481, -3]
When we walk in the school corridors, I'm not even walking slowly but I always end up trailing behind and end up alone?? This is for real
2. [+383, -5]
Even if you get along with your odd-number group of friends, there will for sure be times where you become hyper sensitive of each other (ex: when you eat, when you go on a school trip, when you hang out, when you are at the playground...)
3. [+324, -3]
When we're the 3 of us together and that the two of them would talk about things together. At least, tell me about the topic that you're talking about...
4. [+236, -4]
But if you hang out in groups of 5+, it's fine but hanging out in groups of 3 is seriously not it... seriously, I'm not joking, there will always be one person that gets alienated. If you don't feel alienated, someone else will. That's why, kids, let's take care of our friendsㅠㅜㅜ from the perspective of the one being alienated, it really feels so hopeless and sad
5. [+202, 0]
When the three of us are talking but that the two of them are making eye contact while never looking at me... I just feel like the two of them are talking without me
6. [+182, -2]
I feel like friends who make you feel alienated aren't your friends in the first placeㅇ it doesn't matter if you're 3 or 5