Article: [FactCheck] Self quarantining YouTuber's front door birthday party is a violation of regulations?
Source: Yonhap News via Nate
1. [+365, -4] I just.. no matter how much I think about it, I don't understand why they thought to film this. Did they not think the situation would be problematic? This was a tricky situation even if cameras weren't on...
2. [+359, -7] She probably just wanted to show off how many friends she had and how much her husband cared about her. Either way, these regulations exist to be followed by everyone, so she should be punished for violating them during self quarantine.
3. [+332, -4] She seems to think she's a celebrity so the rules don't apply to her. That's the only explanation I can think of as to how she would think it's okay to throw a birthday party the second you land in Korea. And for her to film it and try to
4. [+60, -4] The party was planned by her husband Josh but Gabie's the only one receiving all the hate... Though she probably uploaded the video in the first place to show off how much her husband loves...
5. [+49, -2] It's a mental illness to need this much validation from strangers
6. [+42, -0] Who were the people who even went all the way to her quarantine hotel???? Her slaves????
7. [+25, -1] In my opinion, Gabie Kook seems a bit full of herself. Her husband's a handsome English man with a popular YouTube channel so she thinks that same fame applies to herself. And for her apology to be filled with nothing but excuses and transferring the blame to the community health center makes me tsk tsk tsk. I just never liked her, down to the way she looks.
8. [+25, -1] Even the video that she uploaded was edited down so who knows if there was further footage of actual contact with the people who came for her party? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They probably cut out anything that could've been controversial to end up with the video they uploaded... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
9. [+25, -0] There has to be something wrong with your head;
10. [+22, -1] So she thought her birthday party was more important than the nation's preventative efforts? Is her brain empty? Or did she think our country is as lax as the UK? tsk tsk