1. I can kind of relate to what they say.... When my bias went on hiatus, there was no content we could fangirl on your heart just gets cold, when they made their new comeback, I didn't feel as happy as before and although I was still streaming, I didn't feel happy doing it. I guess I really quit the fandom
2. It's important to have a short hiatus but if you're going to have a long hiatus, what's important is your next album. The quality needs to be there and I need to feel like "Wow f*ck so this is why I've been waiting for" like this, the core fandom will not leave
3. It's just natural to quit the fandom if you've been waiting for all this time and the comeback disappoints you. I was so disappointed by the planning and the hair/makeup, they looked so old and insincere, I felt like I've been waiting for nothing, but at the same time, their visuals still survived and they're good on stage so I found myself fangirling again
4. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is so me... I entered the fandom during their hiatus and I was watching fancams and f*cking waiting for them, but I wondered if my expectations were too high but their album was just not it... I was wondering why their songs were all so good yet their new song was that bad???? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ On top of that it was composed by the producer who composed the songs that I liked!!! Seriously I thought I would be able to overlook, so I bought the album, and even voted and streamed, but I ended up leavingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5. For real, that's why I quit the fandom and looked for a new oppa
6. For me it's the opposite, I wonder why would I wait for someone who is in the vacuum for that long... So I quit during the hiatus but they came back and were so good at their work and released a legendary song so I came back againㅋㅋ There's no way I can leave the fandom
7. This was me with my past bias...The vacuum was too longㅜㅜㅜㅜ And the comeback song was so not my styleㅜㅜㅜㅜ The lack of fangirl content was the hardest
8. Seriously agree.... I waited for so long yet you're releasing such an average song, I would quit the fandom on the day of the comeback ㅜㅜ
9. This is me right now
10. It's the same as your boyfriend going to the army and you waited just fine but once he came back, your heart becomes cold and you break up, this happens a lot more than you thinkㅋㅋ