She ordered pizza and cake
But once she woke up, she couldn't remember any of it
On 'I Want To Know', there was an episode about depression
And one of the side effects of Zolpidem (T/N: medication to treat insomnia) was seen in a patient who ordered food at dawn and who even called their family but when they woke up, they didn't remember any of it
I'm wondering if Nine Muses Sera isn't in the same situation

"A pain that cannot be told to anybody"
I looked it up out of curiosity and there was an article about the side effects of anti depression medication talking about this
original post: here
1. When you write posts like these, please write them with concrete information. As someone
who takes antidepressants, this scares me so much
2. Wow, that's right. It's been 13 years since I took this medicine. Fortunately, I didn't go around at night. But I ate a whole pot of curry, talked to my friend, and even cleaned the bathroom at dawn!!!! I couldn't remember any of it the next day. It doesn't happen often but sometimes, I would eat the medicine and be in a daze and don't have the power to do anything. Usually, I don't want to do anything because of the medicine, but there are side effects like that. I'm so scared that I'll go crazy.
3. Fighting...
4. She needs to change her medications
5. What are you saying? Zolpidem is to help with insomnia and there's a lot of warning that comes with it when you take itㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ If you say that there are side effects of the disease with uncertain information, the number of people who will be having it harder if they didn't take this medicine will just increase
6. Sera-yahㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
7. Zolpidem is taken to help with insomnia. It's not an antidepressant. You can get them at orthopedics or oriental medicine hospitals
8. Zolpidem is really effective but there are indeed some side effects
9. Kids... Zolpidem is not an antidepressant but for insomnia
10. It's not because of antidepressants but because of her sleeping pills... there were always a lot of severe side effects associated with them