


"I'm looking for a male roommate (reposted, edited)"

It would be nice if you checked all the boxes, but I wrote "mandatory" to the ones that must be fulfilled. 
Fellow students, I hope that you can enjoy your school vacations and let's have a happy 2nd semester together. hehe 
For reference, my classes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday start at 9 and on Friday at 12. 

1. I'm a morning person, so 10 is my bedtime and I usually wake up at 4. I would like someone who follows this pattern as well. (mandatory) 
2. I think that everyone should have their own burden of duty so I hope you clean neatly. That means no dust on your window. (mandatory)
3. I don't game and I'm looking for someone who isn't a gamer. Otherwise you better go to the PC bang
4. I'm someone who's sensitive, so I would like someone who is really quiet. 
5. I'm someone who sleep early so I would like our curfew to be at 9:30. 
6. I don't smoke nor drink. I also would like my roommate to do the same. 
7. I must eat my breakfast, and hope you can eat with me. (mandatory)
8. I hope you are someone who can do a simple workout in the morning before eating breakfast. 
9. I hope you are someone who has a girlfriend. 

original post: here
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1. At this rate, just leave alone... 

2. An egoist who insist that other people understand how he feels

3. Just why the breakfast...?

4. Why does he need a girlfriend...

5. He wants him to have a girlfriend but also wants a 9:30 curfew, how does that workㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. First of all, sleeping at 10 and waking up at 4 is.....

7. He's probably not going to be able to find someone so they'll pair him with a random person, I pity that person already...

8. From #1 he's already obaㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ what's up with this being mandatoryㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. He's 100% not going to find anyone, I pity the person who will be forced to live with him 

10. He understands that people need to be understanding of each other... So why 

11. Curfew at 9???? He's worse than my parents

12. At this rate is he going for a concept or..?


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