
(BTS Jimin) 'Honestly, debuting isn't everything. Just because you debuted, it doesn't guarantee you anything'


First of all, I would like to congratulate you all. Both to debuting and eliminated trainees, as long as you remember this day, you'll be able to do anything you want in the future. Debuting isn't everything. Just because you debuted, it doesn't guarantee you anything. Don't forget today, there'll come the day where you'll get to perform on the same stage. Don't resent, and if you work hard, it'll all pay off in the future.

It's the advice that BTS Jimin gave to the debuting members of I-LAND, Enhypen, and also the eliminated ones. I'm writing this because it's very realistic and great advice.

style="text-align: left;">theqoo 

-It sounds very heart-warming even though it's realistic...

-It's true, because out of the 50 idol groups that debuted in the same year, only 3 or 4 of them would make it...

-Jimin sounds very coolㅠㅠ I wish I-LAND debuting trainees all the best!

-Jimin delivers a very great advice despite it's being a live-show... He seems to be the member with the best speech, following RM. The live show must've been really chaotic, but he was able to deliver his message very calmly and sincerely. He sounds very warm-hearted and cool...

-It's the advice that both the debuting and eliminated trainees could takeㅠㅠ Jimin sounds very cool. Anyway, congratulations to the 7 trainees who made it to the final debut line up!

-He knows exactly how it feels because he's been there... The advice he delivered is very realistic and relatable for the trainees, he seems to be a very cool seniorㅠㅠ

-What he said could be taken as both advice and supportive messages to the debuting and eliminated trainees. It makes me realize how thoughtful person he is...

-Debuting itself is very hard, but making it out there after you debuted is 100x even harder...

-It sounds very realistic and it's exactly the thing that both the debuting and eliminated trainees needed to hear at that time...

-Just because you debuted, there's no guarantee that you'll be able to achieve it all. On the other side, just because you're eliminated, doesn't mean it's the end for you. There's no need to resent each other. The advice he delivered is very realistic, but also heart-warming...

-It's very lucky of me to be able to like a person like you, Jiminㅠㅠㅠ


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