Girls Day's Ring My Bell
Two X's Ring My Bell
Dynamic Duo's Ring My Bell
Suzy's Ring My Bell
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All of these songs are really good
If you know all of these songs, you must be a huge fan of Kpop
-Two X's Ring My Bell brings up so many memories...
-As a grandmother, I only know Dynamic Duo's...
-I don't know any other songs beside Girls Day's...
-Two X's Ring My Bell is the best carol ever...
-I only know Girls Day's and Dynamic Duo's...
-I only know Two X's. But I checked them all out and they all sound greatㅋㅋ
-I used to like Two X so much...
-I remember listening to Two X's Ring My Bell in secret back thenㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-I only know Girls Day's and Suzy's...
-I know all of these songs, but Two X's was the first one to come to my mind...
-Two X's Ring My Bell is seriously so addicting...
-I only know Girls Day's Ring My Bell...
-I know all of these songs except for Two X's...
-Two X's song sounds very nasal but strangely, it's very addictingㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-Hul... I thought I was the only one who listens to Two X's Ring My Bellㅋㅋㅋ It's a nice song
-Suzy's Ring My Bell is so good. Check it out if you haven't.
-Girls Day's!! I think the song was released back in Summer 2015. I remember watching their performances and music videos a lot.