

t/n: this is such a huge issue in Korea that he's been trending all day there, trigger warning in advance for the comments


I'm not an idol fan so I had no idea what Teakpop meant when he used that hashtag
I looked for it for the first time and this is definitely not a good word
There's an English saying that's about "sipping tea"
in literal meaning, it just means that you're drinking tea, but there's an underlying meaning to it

sipping tea = listen to gossips, it's used in a sarcastic way, it's similar to spilling tea
So in the context, tea would mean a gossip

original post: here

1. But even some people who know English well, don't really know how to use that hashtagㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  But it's true that the ones who were harmed the most here are the students in the end

2. You guys should cut it down already, I know you guys always call out people for their problems, but this wasn't such a big mistake, why don't you guys call out criminals instead... He already apologized, so don't beat him to his death

3. The fact that he's using KPOP is so randomㅋㅋㅋㅋ It has nothing to do with the kids

4. If he really didn't know what it meant when using it...I wonder what he thought teakpop meant in the first place? So he just said in his feedback that he didn't know what it meant?

5. Why would you use it if you don't know what it meansㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. What kind of apology was this though? I used to view him so positively, but I don't want to see him anymore. Farewell 572, I'm no longer supporting you. Even though you didn't know what that hashtag meant... He wanted the international KPOP trolls to get dragged into this issue but he pretends he didn't know anything and only wrote his apology in English? He doesn't seem sincere at all, I would've believed him more if he didn't write anything

7. Just sticking #kpop into something, all the weird people will flock in

8. He probably knows how much i-roaches can overblow an issue and used that tag. It's not even the right place or time to be using this hashtag and I still remember my bias being dragged and sworn at because of this and now he's using hit against minors who are also commoners, but he's turning a blind eye on it

9. He must think that Korean are easy. I really hope that we don't see Okyere in our country anymore

10. There are only 100 posts when you search teakpop on IG, it looks like it's a hashtag that he made up himself


I apologize for stirring public criticism with the photos and caption I posted on my Instagram account.

My intent was not to belittle students. I was just trying to express my opinion, but I apologize for posting a photo of the students
without their permission. I respect the privacy of students. That was my mistake. And in the part that I wrote in English, I didn’t mean there’s something wrong with Korean education. I apologize for the misunderstanding. I wasn’t talking about Korean education, but I can see why there was a misunderstanding.

I also didn’t know Teakpop says bad things about K-Pop. If I had known, I wouldn’t have used that hashtag. I didn’t think it through.

I’ve received lots of love during my time in Korea, and I behaved rashly this time around.

I’d like to apologize once again.

I’ll work hard to be a more educated Sam Okyere.

cr. Koreaboo

original post: here

1. Why is he trying to cover the fact that he used Teakpop pretending he didn't know what it was about?

2. eng plz :((

3. Why isn't he writing an apology in English and why isn't he using any hashtags here?????? He lashed out his anger to the whole world to see but since he's living and earning money in Korea, he's only showing this to Koreans??

4. What a bullsh*t apology he half-assed the entire thing and he's even cyberbullying commonersㅋㅋㅋ He looks like a Twitter accountㅋㅋㅋ Go back to your country

5. Never mind the apology, I don't want to see you on TV anymore... What's so amazing about him?... Are there no other foreigners aside from him?

6. I can only think of him doing the Asian eyes when I look at him now, I'm f*cking disappointed in him, why is everyone apologizing with the same excuses all the time claiming they didn't intend anything??? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. I wonder if he can do the same and call out all the white famous people who cosplayed into black people

8. Oppa eng plz :))

9. What a f*cking lie that he claims to not know what teakpop is... It's a common practice to use the word tea everywhere on Youtube already ㅋㅋ You can think that it's as common as Korean mukbang

10. He was so angry and passionate when he wrote it in English for the world to see, why isn't he writing this back in English for them to see too... If he was really sincere about his apology, he wouldn't at least pretended to care ... I will not watch his broadcasts anymore


original post: here

1. Bye bye

2. I don't know what he's apologizing for, it seems like he's only apologizing because the issue got too big

3. He should've stayed humbleㅋㅋㅋ He's too giddy

4. F*ck off

5. I'm seriously speechless, just leave Korea and go to a place where you're satisfied with

6. Why is he acting like this now?

7. He already apologized for his mistakes, I hope it doesn't happen again

8. Yup, go back to your country. You didn't know what that kpop tag meant?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ dumbfounding

9. He's there exposing all the racism in Korea, but didn't even write his apology in English?

10. I don't understand racism and I really hate it. Why would people discriminate others based on skin color? I think it's barbaric. It's true that doing black face is a mistake. It wasn't the kids' intentions, but it still derives from ignorance. But I'm still so angry towards Okyere right now. Because he's not apologizing for the right things


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