
Starting from tomorrow, I'll start dieting and by the 30th of September, I want to go from 65 kg -> 58 kg and loose 7 kg
I was originally super skinny but I gained weight so my relatives, people around me and family are all looking at me in a pathetic way and telling me how I've "gained a lot of weight". I'm seriously stressed. One time, someone (with whom I wasn't even close with) said "yah, you gained a lot of weight, why did you gain weight like that?". I just burst into tears right away and cried until I came home and took a shower and I seriously cried a wave of tearsㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Ha.. I feel so miserableㅠ Also, the kids who gained weight might relate but I usually would buy the smallest clothing size when I went shopping, so I bought S size. But not long ago, I went to buy shorts and the seller just naturally gave me an XLㅠㅋ of course I should be wearing a bigger size after gaining weight but I just got so mad at myself. There were also a lot of other cases like that but my confidence just fell so low. I kept asking myself "how did I end up like that?" and I just realized how pathetic I am. It will be Chuseok near the end of September right? I want to hear from my relatives that I've lost weight.
To the kids who are dieting, let's all gain strength. Me too, I'll work hard until then.
post response:
original post: here
1. [+113, -5]
Isn't our country's culture f*cked up? Seriously, I don't care if you're an adult but I hope that people would stop judging others' body and face;; When it's done the other way around, they will get f*cking worked up
2. [+64, 0]
I always gain and lose weight all the time so I'm seriously stressed ㅠ I can lose weight when I want to but it's so hard to maintain it...
3. [+41, -1]
Ah me tooㅠㅠ
4. [+29, 0]
ㅠㅠㅠ I hope that everyone here (of course, me included) can lose weightㅠㅠ everyone, fighting
5. [+27, -1]
What is there to feel miserable about? Whether you gain or lose weight, you are you. So find strength you dummy