Article: Even if they hate Korea, if they don't know where Korea is... homes all over the world are obsessed with K-Dramas
Source: Kor via Naver
1. [+2,091, -435] K-Dramas aren't quite as fun as our K-Government...
2. [+462, -38] K-Dramas are fine and all but... can we get rid of some of the forced sad/emotional plots that are only there to make a drama sell better? They make me cringe so hard.
- [+12, -0] Korean dramas always have obstacles that make it difficult for the lead characters to get married
- [+14, -3] But that's what we watch it for!! You don't seem to know the charm of these dramas~ㅎ
- [+26, -0] But isn't that what foreigners love Korean dramas for? Without all of those elements, it would just be like any other American drama.
- [+5, -1] Foreigners, especially viewers from SEA, seem to be really
into it. Even the westerners were really touched by the forced sadness scenes in 'Train to Busan'.
- [+51, -1] Nah, that's what makes Korean dramas uniquely ours. We won't be any different from other dramas around the world if we remove those elements. I was also cringing through Gong Yoo's scenes in 'Train to Busan' but I noticed a lot of foreigners actually thought his scenes were the most touching ㅋㅋㅋ I think we're tired of it because were so used to it but these elements are still new and fresh to foreigners.
- [+14, -0] Ironically, our country is so into the melodrama genre that we've basically become masters of it. We're really used to it but I think that's what makes it fresh for foreigners. A roadblock that foreigners might run into is that they get interested in Korean dramas through our melodramas and realize there aren't other genres beyond that.
- [+4, -0] It is pretty disappointing that there isn't much to watch in Korean dramas other than melodramas... I've barely seen a drama without a romance element to it.
3. [+247, -135] It's just the flow of trends, isn't it? I've noticed a lot of popular Thai, Indonesian, and Brazilian works on Netflix too~
4. [+85, -0] Difference between Korean, Japanese, and American dramas: American dramas about police/doctors feature police who investigate and doctors who treat, Japanese dramas about police/doctors feature police who teach a life lesson and doctors who teach a life lesson, Korean dramas about police/doctors feature police in love and doctors in love
5. [+27, -1] Yeah, well, I'm tired of this K-HeavyRain
6. [+29, -5] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Did the journalist really say that the plots of Korean dramas are more elaborate? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ You've never seen an HBO drama, have you?
7. [+23, -4] Okay, I get that we're proud of this and all but let's not exaggerate with the 'worldwide' in the title... at most, it's probably just Asia or just SEA...
8. [+15, -2] Proud that Korean dramas are so loved by people all over the world. I hope that this improves our image. Korea fighting.
9. [+15, -2] I still find all this K-nonsense cringe. Just list which dramas are popular without putting a dumb keyword on it, as if every Korean drama in the world is successful ㅋㅋㅋ
10. [+6, -0] I recently visited Myanmar and every person I met talked about Korean dramas. They knew everything from the older dramas like 'Jumong' to 'Jangbogo' and 'Daejanggeum' to even dramas I've never watched. A lot of the people in the countryside knew how basic greetings in Korean and knew more about our country's history than me. I never paid much attention to the media talking about K-Drama and K-Pop and all that but I had no idea the influence was this wide and large... I was really surprised but also very proud.
- [+51, -1] Nah, that's what makes Korean dramas uniquely ours. We won't be any different from other dramas around the world if we remove those elements. I was also cringing through Gong Yoo's scenes in 'Train to Busan' but I noticed a lot of foreigners actually thought his scenes were the most touching ㅋㅋㅋ I think we're tired of it because were so used to it but these elements are still new and fresh to foreigners.
- [+14, -0] Ironically, our country is so into the melodrama genre that we've basically become masters of it. We're really used to it but I think that's what makes it fresh for foreigners. A roadblock that foreigners might run into is that they get interested in Korean dramas through our melodramas and realize there aren't other genres beyond that.
- [+4, -0] It is pretty disappointing that there isn't much to watch in Korean dramas other than melodramas... I've barely seen a drama without a romance element to it.
3. [+247, -135] It's just the flow of trends, isn't it? I've noticed a lot of popular Thai, Indonesian, and Brazilian works on Netflix too~
4. [+85, -0] Difference between Korean, Japanese, and American dramas: American dramas about police/doctors feature police who investigate and doctors who treat, Japanese dramas about police/doctors feature police who teach a life lesson and doctors who teach a life lesson, Korean dramas about police/doctors feature police in love and doctors in love
5. [+27, -1] Yeah, well, I'm tired of this K-HeavyRain
6. [+29, -5] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Did the journalist really say that the plots of Korean dramas are more elaborate? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ You've never seen an HBO drama, have you?
7. [+23, -4] Okay, I get that we're proud of this and all but let's not exaggerate with the 'worldwide' in the title... at most, it's probably just Asia or just SEA...
8. [+15, -2] Proud that Korean dramas are so loved by people all over the world. I hope that this improves our image. Korea fighting.
9. [+15, -2] I still find all this K-nonsense cringe. Just list which dramas are popular without putting a dumb keyword on it, as if every Korean drama in the world is successful ㅋㅋㅋ
10. [+6, -0] I recently visited Myanmar and every person I met talked about Korean dramas. They knew everything from the older dramas like 'Jumong' to 'Jangbogo' and 'Daejanggeum' to even dramas I've never watched. A lot of the people in the countryside knew how basic greetings in Korean and knew more about our country's history than me. I never paid much attention to the media talking about K-Drama and K-Pop and all that but I had no idea the influence was this wide and large... I was really surprised but also very proud.