In I-land, there was a trainee who was anxious because he felt ugly and this is what Suga said

"Someone like me debuted though?"
Everyone burst out laughing
And J-Hope who was next to him was even more excited

"Me too! Hyung me too! Me too!"

J-Hope: look at me and get some hope
They always had this kind of personality. They never thought that they were handsome and they are not ashamed of feeling like this either.
I see posts mocking them about their looks from time to time with weird pictures but these won't have any effect on them.
Instead, they are way more sensitive to people looking down on their work
When Suga was on a killing schedule touring around, he still wrote songs in his hotel room and wrote his collab with IU and other famous singers. He's a talented composer.
J-Hope who's always smiling every day is also like that. His gaze changes when he's in the practice rooms and he becomes the perfectionist that even his members are scared of.
All the 7 members of Bangtan are talented and are good people. I always see comments of people saying they hate Bangtan so I beg you to stop hating on them.
Yoongi's response to V saying that charms are more important than looks

That's because you are handsome and charming that you can say something like this
And his response in 0.1 second when RM said that he was lacking as a leader

Suga who looks sharp is actually a tsundere
post response:
original post: here
1. [+481, -14]
Their self-esteem must be high if their personalities are like that. I respect them them for not being fazed by others bashing their looks
2. [+397, -21]
Jimin's response to Taehyung saying that charms are more important than looksㅋ they love each other quiet a lot

3. [+390, -8]
Someone is not confident when he thinks that he's handsome despite being ugly. Instead, having confidence is not thinking that not being handsome is a flaw. These people just think "so what?"... I saw this yesterday and I could tell right away just how confident they are
4. [+165, -8]
I find it so interesting how Taehyungie doesn't boast about his looks and I also love it when Seokjinie boasts about his own face ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ also Yoongi-sshi and Hoseok-sshi... you guys are handsome just the way you are.. I love you
5. [+160, -2]
Ya but if they are able to laugh about it on broadcast and can talk about it so openly, and if there were so f*cking many people who bashed their looks in the past, they really must be so unfazed by itㅋㅋㅋ they are cool
6. [+134, -4]
But they are all charming