
"I'm sadden by this. When she got hated for dancing lazily on stage, it was during the time when she got a big injury on her ankle and even so, she still wore high heels and it looked painful when she was walking during her promotion. I'm not her fan but as someone who likes Jennie, that time broke my heart"
That's what the comment said, so I looked it up and..

"BlackPink Jennie rushed to the hospital after ankle injury on the set of 'Inkigayo', 'fighting spirit with painkillers'"
T/N: Jennie had an injury and went to the hospital to get her ankle examined and decided to take painkillers and return and finish the recording
This was during her debut(?) days, she had an ankle injury

And she hurt her ankle during their Japanese tour

She injured it badly

When her carrier bumped into her ankle injury

But even so, she wore high heels when she was promoting

post response:
original post: here
1. [+71, 02]
When Jennie had her ankle injury, she never stopped promoting ㅠ at that time, Rose dropped her mic by accident on Jennie's ankle and she was so worried. Jennie also looked in painㅠ Jennie has the weakest body out of the 4 so her and the people around her are always worried ㅠ Jisoo said that they had a stage in the afternoon and Jennie would go do yoga in the morning to strengthen her body and she was surprised. During Coachella, they performed around 15 songs for 1 hour and it was all live. And it was to the point where Rose had to tell Jennie "don't forget to breathe".

2. [+55, -1]
It wasn't during their debut days, it happened on their debut stage and because of that, they almost couldn't debut f*ck
3. [+33, -2]
Wow hul I've seen so many people hating on her because of that dance in her red dress, so it was because of this... I couldn't see any clarification post so I always thought that she was just being lazy. What a shame
4. [+23, -36]
No but she hurt her leg but weren't people saying that her arm movements were lazy? And her head spinning tooㅋㅋ
5. [+20, -1]
What the? Seeing the gif, it really looked like she hurt her ankle badlyㅠㅠ I've also sprained by ankle like that on the stares and it really took a toll on me and I was having a hard time for a while. Seeing that gif, I can feel her pain... Also, once you injure your ankle, even after treating it, just spraining it a bit will make it swell like crazy so you always have to be careful