-Even if it was someone I hate, I still would help them...
-I'm willing to buy them one if I don't have one with me...
-I remember receiving a pad from a Korean when I went on a vacation oversea, she was my lifesaver.
-Of course, I absolutely would give them if I have one with me...
-Of course, unless if it's someone that I really hate
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-Just imagine how urgent it is that they have to ask help from strangersㅠㅠㅠ
-Of course I would, if I don't have one I'm willing to help them until she gets oneㅠㅠ
-Of course I would, if I have one with me. If I don't, I would help them look for one if I had a free time.
-Absolutely. But I don't bring them around with me.
-Of course, I know how it feels like to get your period when you don't have any pads with you. If I don't have any, I would buy them one.
-I would, even if that stranger is Park Geunhye
-Honestly, no one would said no to this question
-Why not? It's not like they're asking us to lend them our underwears...