There's no other person than Win Win that Jung Jaehyun would do physical contact with like that...
How dare SM Ent. to separate these two... SM Ent. must be a psychopath
class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">[+160][-24]
1. [+41][-1] What the fuck. It's not like we're Hong Gil Dong or anything, why can't we say that Win Win is an NCT's member. SM Ent, go die. (NB: Hong Gil Dong is a Korean novel about an illegitimate son of a noble man)
2. [+36][-1] 97 Linersㅠㅠ There are a lot of the members who miss Win Win. Na Yuta, Moon Taeil, etc. SM, why did you separate them from Win Win. Come back and unite them as one againㅠㅠ
3. [+33][-1] I agree... Jaehyun and Win Win claim that they're each other's piece of luck...
4. [+19][-1] Look at how sweet the visual in this one frame...
5. [+15][-2] Give us back our Win Win...