-'However, I can't keep on wandering around like this...'
-'We want to get away from this stable and boring life and go on a vacation'
-'The end is just as important as the beginning' Well, I haven't even started yet...
-'You will love it here'
-'Stop looking for excuses and start looking for ways to solve
-I don't have any books near me
-'The day we had a BBQ Party' Whoa! A BBQ party!!
-'You'll come to realise how lacking and irresponsible you are as a human'
-'Don't you ever look in the mirror??' Whoa, this one is seriously so mean...
-'It won't be too difficult'
-It's a blank paper...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-'I wasn't ready to be a mother'
-'A person who's having a hard time, a sad person, a lonely person' Seriously...?
-'Whenever Ivan leaned back, our helmets clicked'
-'The birthday I can never forget in my entire life'
-'No one can see that' What...? No one...?
-'Call me if you need help'
-'It's something that happened 25 years ago' What?