
My friends are hanging out without me

All the pictures here are for illustrations only
I love you, Girls Day

So, I'm friends with G

N is also friends with me

We accidentally gathered and hung out for several times
I am the only mutual friend that G and N have

And one day
They posted a picture of them hanging out without me
I didn't even know they met each other. How would you feel if you were me?


-I probably would think, 'They get along really well'ㅋㅋㅋ Isn't it nice to have friends who get along with each other?

-Why are you guys so upset about this? So what if they became close friends??

-I think I would be upset, but it's totally understandable...

-I would be a little bit upset, but get over it in no time...

-I think I would be very pissed off...

-I would think to myself, 'Why didn't they ask me to hang out too?' and get very upset...

-It upsets me that they're contacting each other without myself knowing...

-I would comment, 'Why aren't you guys inviting me!!', but I'm actually not that upset

-Honestly, we all would be a little upset, right?

-I've been through this before and I was really upset...

-Are your friends yours?? Maybe they got along well, it could happen...

-Why would you guys be upset over this?

-I wouldn't think much, maybe just 'Oh, they hung out yesterday?' 

-I would be upset but try my best to not show it in front of them

-I don't really care...

-Why do they have to report to you before they hang out?

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