
AOA's Mina mentions she has been bullied in the caption of her latest Instagram update


DM: Get lost, you fucking bitch.

I want to get lost too, but I have to take care of my mom. Ah, I'm probably going to get so many texts calling me brainless. But that's right, I have no brain. I have never learned anything properly in my life. Due to my family situation, I have to earn money to support my family ever since I was young. 

After my dad passed away, I once cried in the waiting room and an Unnie dragged me into the changing room and told me to stop crying because I was ruining the whole mood. I told her that I was scared at the thoughts of my dad dying. I still can't forget what she said to me back then. 

Getting bullied? Verbally abused? I'm fine with all of that, even when it actually left a wound. That Unnie and I had to ride the same car afterwards, so I just took some nerve relaxers and sleeping pills to sleep. I had to do my job properly, but I felt myself screwed up slowly but surely. Honestly, I tried to take my own life because of that Unnie, too. 

It's okay if she never considers me as an idol or actress, I'm terrible and still lacking a lot. But I felt really happy and I worked so hard. It's an occupation that I really love. I have never gained any stress from my job. To be honest, I have never wanted to leave AOA. But I did, because of this one person who hates me so much, I was bullied for 10 years. I really wanted to roll my eyes and curse at her. 

In the end, I gave up AOA. I had fun doing promotions with my teammates. Until recently, the father of that Unnie passed away. It broke my heart and I felt really strange, because I know exactly how it feels to be in that position. I went to the funeral and as soon as she saw me, she bursted into tears and told me she was sorry. The walls I had around my heart suddenly came down at that time. 

I felt empty. All my resentments towards her are suddenly gone. I felt okay. I think I'm too broken and it terrified me. Of course, I knew I had to go on a hiatus. I planned to learn a few new things as I'm getting treatments for my depression and anxiety. But unexpectedly, a lot of things happened even when I was on hiatus. 

I'm sick and tired of all this. Just like what those netizens...? said, I don't know who I am. I don't know what I'm doing. I hate myself. I don't want to listen to myself. But it's not like I was born as myself because I wanted to. I have mouth and hands too, I can't control myself right now. I have to keep alive for my mom. You don't have to pity me or give me any attention... Just, can you please let me be? I understand that it's all my fault. 

I think this is a very serious matter.
She mentioned she was bullied for 10 years, it means she has been bullied even before her debut.
That person's father recently just passed away.
I leave the judgements up to you...

+She posted again

The reason why I wrote about that Unnie from AOA is because after they announced my dad was in the terminal stage of pancreatic cancer, I knew he was going to pass away soon I thought to myself to not let this cause me to do my job poorly. I was scared that Unnie would scold me, I had a personal acting schedule, I also had a comeback and I didn't want to burden my teammates, I had to remember my lines and smile. I didn't even have the chance to visit him in the hospital. He was already in the terminal stage of cancer, and I was sure I wouldn't be able to hold in my tears once I see him in skin and bones. My sister called me, she said my father couldn't talk but he was looking for me. But what if I cried in the middle of a schedule? What would that Unnie say?

I was young and at that time, I thought that I was doing the right thing. Later, I had chances to visit him but I didn't take it. My dad closed his eyes and the machine next to him let out a long beep. He had shown to a nurse something he wrote on his sketchbook, it said 'Where is my daughter?'. But I was working at that time, therefore I couldn't go. 

From what I've heard, about how you got the VIP room and canceled all of your schedule. But I hope I heard them wrong, you should've been professional, too. Don't cry, okay? You said it ruins the whole mood. Back then, you said 'Why should I be walking on eggshells because of you?', remember? You have to survive this. I still can't forget what you said and did to me, maybe not clearly, but I still remember. Every time I remember that, I would take my pills. But what you said and did when my dad passed away, I think I will remember that for the rest of my life. To you, it's just something you spit out carelessly. But to me, it left a really deep wound. 

In the end, we had 5 minutes to talk and I talked about how you hurt me with your words. But you stared down and me and said that you're not a bad bitch who would say something harsh like that. Another teammates of ours agreed to what I said. It took me a lot of courage to said that to you. I was so taken aback that I went speechless, I just thought to myself at that time, 'Is she really a human?'. And then we parted. 

Honestly, I'm not smart and I don't have a good recollection but I remember everything about you. Thanks to you, I have to take a lot of pills everyday from now on. I hurt my wrist so bad that the nerves are damaged, it stings sometimes. But every time I look at my mom, I realise that I have to keep living and earn money to support her. That's why I'm diligently receiving the treatments for the scars now, even though I still have nightmares sometime. The funny part is, before I left the group, the other teammates and I would leave you out to have some drink and conversation, you know? We still don't know what is the reason you hate me that much. 


1. [+562][-3] She was bullied for 10 years, she had troubles with her family, and on top of that, her father was dying. But she still performed and forced to put her smile on. She even had to take some nerve relaxer and sleeping pills so that she could sleep. It would be absolutely normal if she has resentments towards that Unnie. How come you guys are asking her, 'Why are you speaking up about this just now?'. The scar she had from all that bullying will remain painful for the rest of her life, those type of scars don't have expired dates. 

2. [+542][-6] If you pay attention, Jimin is the only AOA's members that Choa is not following on Instagram. I feel like the one who bullies Mina for 10 years is also Jimin. I like Choa a lot, sometimes I go on Instagram just to check on her. When I noticed she's not following Jimin, I thought it was very strange. 

3. [+334][-2] I think I know who is she talking about in those posts, I'm sure it must've been really hard for her. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to hang on for 10 years.

4. [+307][-0] A picture that explains AOA

5. [+285][-0] I think rather than being outcasted, she was constantly bullied by only one member...

6. [+278][-0] She sounded very off in those captions... I think it shows how hard it must've been for her all this time. I hope she has someone on her side to comfort her right now. From the way she just exposes it all on the Instagram, I think she has given up everything...

7. [+210][-2] Honestly, I'm on Mina's side. Especially after seeing how it seems like she pours her whole heart into those posts. 

8. [+189][-0] I think she's able to say everything because she has given up everything she has and she feels empty, not because she still holds grudge. Does that person know how painful it is to let go of your father without being able to do anything for him? Is she really a human?

9. [+176][-8] AOA = The group where the sane members are the first to withdraw from the group. 

10. [+173][-1] I just saw Jimin's Instagram update and it shows off her real personalityㅋㅋㅋ If what Mina said was wrong and she feels unfair, she should've written long posts just like Mina did. Instead, she just posted one word, 'Fiction'...

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