(NB: All-fan --> fans that don't have one exact biases, they love the whole group)
1. [+91][-59] BTS for sure
2. [+72][-3] Objectively speaking, BTOB and Seventeen. Why are you guys mentioning your own favorite group instead of being objective.
3. [+56][-3] Honestly, I don't know how is it possible for me to love all 13 members of Seventeen equally... I just love them all in
the same way.
4. [+35][-21] BTS for real... The more you get to know them, the more you realize that you actually love all of the mmebers.
5. [+30][-2] GFriend
6. [+26][-1] Let's be real here, it's Seventeen and BTOB. Am I right?
7. [+25][-0] Winner
8. [+21][-1] In my opinion, the top 3 are GFriend, BTOB, and Seventeen.
9. [+20][-1] I think Seventeen has a lot of all-fans
10. [+17][-3] Clicked on this post while thinking of Seventeen