class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">pann
1. [+152][-4] But don't you think that Taemin looks the best among the other members when his stylists dress them? And this also applies to EXO and NCT as well...?
2. [+110][-3] EXO's stylist and Tech Wear... I'm dying to see that...
3. [+92][-3] Kai has the ability to pull off any styles...
4. [+63][-3] But Taemin has such an irresistible aura... It's no joke...
5. [+42][-0] I'm sorry... I'm just... #ParkJiSeok_Please_Comeback
6. [+39][-0] After seeing Jongin in the outfits that Taemin's and EXO's stylists give him, and then in the outfits that NCT's stylist give him.... I don't know how to put it into words but I'm sure you guys know what I meanㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
7. [+34][-0] As an NCTzen, I've seen more than that over all these years... So when I first saw that picture, I was like... 'Not bad?'ㅎ....
8. [+31][-0] I think they all look the best in the outfits that EXO's stylist has...
9. [+20][-0] EXO's stylist... You should've done that during EXO's comeback...ㅠㅠㅠ
10. [+11][-0] I remember when the last picture came out, NCTzens quickly knew whose stylist it was and apologized to everyone...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ