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1. [+95][-7] Hwasa's voice, whoa... Hwasa has a really beautiful voice, it suits both songs like this and also performance songs like Twit...
2. [+86][-9] Remember when everyone in Queendom wanted to collab with Hwasa?ㅋㅋㅋ I totally see why she has a lot of fans among celebrities and why there are a lot of artists who want to have a collab with her. My jaw literally dropped as soon as she sings the first verse...
3. [+79][-7] Hwasa has a really beautiful voice, the song and the lyrics are very beautiful as wellㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+32][-0] I got goosebumps all over my body when she sings the 'Maria' part...ㄷㄷㄷ
5. [+28][-3] Is it the Maria that used to play with Georgina and Samantha?
6. [+28][-0] I thought this was a foreign pop song...
7. [+22][-1] It's the song that's really nice to hear at night...
8. [+21][-0] Is her voice even real?ㅠㅠ I really like it...
9. [+17][-1] I love the feels I'm getting from the song. Where did she film the video?