-I just recently found out that every accusations made against him were just misunderstanding, I can't imagine how unfair it must've been for him...
-I feel sorry for accussing him like that, I hope he's going to do well in the military...
-Jung Joonyoung's best friend...
-I'm sorry that it took me so long to find out that everything was just a misunderstanding...
-Goodbye... I feel bad for him for having such a shitty friend...
-But wasn't he also involved in the Chatting
-?? I thought he already enlisted a long time ago...
-Hul, he's enlisting todayㅠㅠ I'm sure he must've been having a really hard time from all these misunderstandings. I hope he's going to stay healthy and come back soonㅠㅠ
-Please come back soon and give us a lot of beautiful songs to listen toㅠㅠ
-Does that mean all the accusations made against Seungri and Jung Joonyoung are all misunderstandings as well?
-This is why you should be careful on choosing whom to be friends with...
-I love his latest release... I'm wishing him all the best.
-I feel so sorry for himㅠㅠ
-Roy Kim did nothing wrong and yet people are dragging him here and there. I feel sorry for him.
-He's a plagiator, I don't like him from the very beginning...
-That means we don't get to get new songs for a while...ㅠㅠ