


What must they be thinking? I'm another group's fan and I voted for Pentagon on RTK because I still hold a grudge against Edawnㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ They blew up with Shine and they were finally starting to hit big but because their member was caught in a relationship and had to quit. The group side tracked meanwhile he's promoting just fine with his girlfriend, what do you guys think..?

post response:
original post: here

1. [+240, -8]
I freaking hate him. I can understand that he's dating, but he's always on variety shows pretending he knows nothing about what he did  and it pisses me off

2. [+207, -7]
Just how many times will Jinho suffer? I'm so pissed off

3. [+123, -4]
Universe' mentality must be so strong, they get dragged for the most trivial things? Even if they don't get mad, they would still hate to see those 2 syllables appear... Do you think they can ever like him? He completely turned their table upside down they can't seriously like him..

4. [+80, -3]
Who's Edaen..? Is that that skinny guy who got big only because of his girlfriend..?

5. [+63, -1]
I know that they gained fans through RTK but just imagine how the original fans hate this

6. [+54, -0]
I'm a Melody and I listened to Idol Radio for the first time in a while, and Pentagon ended up on it. They were talking about how they were recording Beautiful and they asked if there's a member that Ilhoon scolded and Ilhoon said that there was someone "else" and everyone laughed, I knew they were talking about Edawn back thenㅋㅋㅋㅋ I just thought of it


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