Hi, I'm a Golden Child fan, Goldenness
Our group came back today at 6PM and I've been crying until now, but I cleared my conscience to promote them..
Our kids.. They entered the charts and I can finally see them rise..?
The fans are all emotional and everyone was going crazy at 7PM..ㅎㅎ

We entered the charts for the first time... (cries)
Of course, we failed in the Melon chart, but we were able to enter in #11 in Bugz and all the songs successfully entered the chart...!!
Until last comeback, they stopped at top 400, but right now we're all so emotional that nobody is in their right minds. Even our kids are wondering if it's not a dream?ㅠㅠ Lee Jangjung this isn't a dreamㅠ
So the reason why I'm writing this post is not only to promote them but also to greet everyone with my gratitude..ㅎ It's not only thanks to all of Goldenness, but it was only possible thanks to all the fandoms who appeared with them on RTK and helped us stream, and the fandoms from our agency and everyone who are close to our kids and their fans!!
For the people who haven't listened to their song or watched their MV, can you do it and come back? The MV is only 4min30 and it won't be a waste of time. It won't be a waste of your 4 minutes of digital platform either because it's so high quality
I will try to show off our kids' visuals and dance a bit ㅎㅎㅎ The first gif are my bias Jang Jun and Youngtaek! They're the Kamums(?) of Golden Child
Please give a lot of interest for their comeback
post response:
original post: here
1. [+38, -1]
Congrats on charting, the song is great
2. [+34, -1]
Seriously my tears are falling ㅠㅠ If they can chart in Melon too seriouslyㅜㅜㅜ Wowㅠㅠ Just thinking about it makes me happy..
3. [+27, -1]
Seriously my tears are falling ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
4. [+16, -0]
Why are the b-side tracks so good? I saw H.E.R when the list got revealed and went "what's this?" but the song was freaking good, I'm still listening to it, the last song is good tooㅜㅜ
5. [+15, -0]
I liked them ever since DamDaDi.. I really hope they succeed, I feel like seeing my old bias group
6. [+15, -0]
I'm a Lovelynus but I always stream Golden Child songs as soon as they come out... The MV was so good