When I was young, I used to follow my parents to visit my grandfather's grave. But I stopped as I grew up. A few years ago, my father asked me to go with him to visit my grandfather's grave and to cut the grasses around it before it was moved. I refused because there was a lot of insects there.
I seriously don't know why I didn't go, it's not even a hard thing to do.
'Dad, Mom, I'm sorry'
1. [+298][-8] Of course, I've hurt my dad before. But I'm always the one who gets hurt.
2. [+178][-17] I feel like I'm going to get a lot of hate for saying this, but I seriously don't understand why grown-ups always tell us to be a good son or daughter to our parents. We're all human, and sometimes we do bad things to our parents. And we tend to feel guilty for the rest of our lives because of that. But whenever we did something wrong, even if it's a simple thing, they would compare us to other kids, asking us when will we be a good kid to our parents, etc. Let's be frank here, we've been hurt by our parents a lot of
times. But why are we always the bad guy here? The more they tell us to be a good kid, the more rebellious we get. I somehow feel jealous of the free relationship that parents and kids have in Western countries.
3. [+173][-5] I was an outcast and got sexually assaulted. I asked my mom why she gave birth to me, I told her that she shouldn't have given birth to me if she's going to raise me as a stupid person I am. And I tried to jump off of my apartment's balcony. My mom cried and said that it was all her fault, I'm tearing up just by the thought of it. I feel sorry towards my mom. But then my mom takes me to get psychological treatments, and ever since I dropped out of school, we've been travelling together. She's trying so hard to always be my side, and it helps me a lot. I will always be sorry and also grateful towards my mom.
4. [+109][-4] When my mom asked if I could live just fine if she passes away, I said yes. I'm not saying that I'm better off without her. I personally think living your life properly is a way to respect the deceased ones. Later, we talked about this and she explained that my answer had hurt her.
5. [+107][-4] Honestly, I don't understand why we should be grateful towards our parents for giving birth to us. I mean... I didn't even ask to be born. I was made because they had to fulfil their reproductive needs and I was born as one of their preparation once they get old, and in the middle of that we get emotionally attached because we live together. I seriously don't understand it, because I have never asked them to be born. Of course, I cry when they get sick or hurt, but it's because the emotional attachment that we've developed as we live together. I don't come from a well-off family, sometimes my parents can't even buy me books because they don't have any money. It makes me think, 'So giving birth is just all there it is for them?' When they give birth to a child, they should have the ability to provide food, clothes, shelters, etc, for that child. Besides, I've heard a lot of people thanking their parents for giving birth to them. But it's very rare to hear parents thanking their child for being born.