I wanted to search meokangs made by moms with kids and I just searched up "ahjumma meokbang" and these came up. I'm f*cking shocked, what the heck is this?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

T/N: all her thumbnails have "ahjumma" written on it

T/N: all her titles read "stretching/ stretching ahjumma"
post response:
original post: here
1. [+180, -3]
What.. the f*ck is this?
2. [+162, -13]
What the heck is this? F*ck; she looks like those ahjummas who would get together with horny dog-jussis (T/n: dog + ahjussis) and commit adultery together
3. [+132, -7]
She must know exactly what the comments will be. It will be swamped by dog-jussis
4. [+99, -2]
Am I the only one who doesn't want to live after witnessing things like this? It makes me wonder just how low can a human go. Do I have to live after watching things like this? If f*cking makes me doubt the goal of life
5. [+65, 0]
The comments are even more of a sight

6. [+53, -9]
This person tooㅋㅋㅋㅋ I like piano so this was in my recommendation and I was shocked what I looked at the videosㅋㅋㅋ the comments are even worse. She purposely puts thumbnails with her butt showing. The comments are all thanking her saying how her clothes are so short that when she bends forward, you can see her garter belt. All the comments are s*xual. Also, personally, as a person who plays music in my house, this disgusts me. The videos don't even have age restriction so it makes me worried that little kids might see them

7. [+46, 0]
She reads the commentsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ this is on purpose
