
Lee Min Ho's Social Network Updates -21.05.2020


Photos Uploaded on Instagram, Weibo and Facebook: "코로나19로부터 국민의 건강과 안전을 위해 애써주시는 많은 의료진들, 소방, 자원봉사자들의 헌신에 깊은 감사와 존경을 표합니다. 그 분들의 건강과 안전을 위해 기도하겠습니다. 그 노력이 헛되지 않도록 손 씻기와 마스크 착용, 생활 속 거리두기로 많은 분들이 함께 힘써주셨으면 좋겠습니다. 촬영현장에서 진행한 관계로 부득이 하게 마스크 착용은 하지 못했습니다. #박보영 양에 이어서 하게 되었습니다. 지목없이 현장에서 동료 배우들과 함께 하였습니다. #우도환 (@wdohwan ) #김경남 (@kknv1221 )늘 행복하세요. "

English Translation: "We would like to express our deep appreciation and respect for the dedication of the many medical staff, firefighting and volunteers who have worked hard for the health and safety of the South Korea people during COVID-19 Pandemic. We pray for their health and safety. We hope a lot of people will work together to diligently wash their hands, wear masks, and keep their distance, so that all of our effort so far won't be in vain. However, due to shooting process the the site, we unfortunately can not wear mask. I did this challenge in response to Park Bo Young, and did it with the fellow actor Woo Do Hwa and Kim Kyeong Nam during shooting. Be happy always. "

Original Source: Lee Min Ho's Official Instagram Account, Lee Min Ho's Official Weibo Account, Lee Min Ho's Official Facebook Account

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