
Kim Hee-ae and Lee Moosaeng are revealed to almost be in a danger after shooting in the sea for The World of Married Couple

(may contain spoiler, read at your own risk)

Yoongi running after Ji Sunwoo who got dragged by the wave

One of the members of the rescue team that worked for The World of Married Couple revealed that both Kim Hee-ae and Lee Moo-saeng almost got dragged by the strong wave during the filming. Fortunately, the rescue team was very quick to save both of them before they got dragged even further. He also revealed that Kim Hee-ae and Lee Moo-saeng were very grateful for the quick action and that Lee Moo-saeng always thank the rescuers and call them his lifesaver. 

The sea is unpredictable, especially for amateurs who are not familiar with the waves. 

-I noticed how strong the waves are when I watched the episodeㅠㅠ

-Yeah, it did look very dangerous...

-As I watch the latest episode, I kept thinking if they were okay since it looked very dangeriousㅠㅠ

-It looked so cold that day... Seems like they filmed that scene in cold weather, it must've been hard for themㅠㅠㅠ

-I thought they had a body-double or maybe the sea was actually a CG, I didn't expect this at all...

-I kept imagining how hard it is for them to film in that situation. It looked like the wave almost ate them all up...ㅠㅠ

-You could tell that the wave was really strong and also highㅠㅠㅠ

-I thought they had a body-double since the scene was filmed from afar...

-Thank God the producers knew how dangerous it was and hired a rescue team for the actors...

-Hul, they didn't use body-doubles... That's impressive...

-Oh Gosh, I can't imagine how freezing it was for themㄷㄷㄷ 

-I'm relieved that both Kim Hee-ae and Lee Moo-saeng are fineㅠㅠㅠ

-Yeah, the waves looked really dangerous and scary...

-Things could've gone wrongㅠㅠ I'm sure they're okay...

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