
post response:
original post: here
1. [+44, -3]
The gif that made me join the fandom

2. [+39, -1]

3. [+37, -3]
The legendary What Is Love gif that the comments below are talking about

4. [+20, 0]
Our leader ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

5. [+17, -15]
Use this as a like/dislike comments to prevent the trolls (T/N: on Pann's comment section the top 4 comments will show on the first page of the post. The top 3 being the most upvoted and top 4, the most "divided" comment - usually a hate comment with trolls upvoting and fans downvoting the comment.)

6. [+14, 0]
No but there's no reward in bringing all the members' personal teaser posts to the main page no??? Twice were the first ones to do it... to be honest, Twice has 9 members, BP has 4 and RV has 5. Onces have to spend the energy to bring all the members to the main page but for 9 members instead of 4 or 5