
(TN: OP summarizes the Suran incident so you can read the back story here)
Afterwards, the comments kept asking her why she would do something like that so she answered with these replies
CR: @Sugasinterlude via Twitter
To be honest, if you look at the comments left on Suran's Instagram, most of them were not even Armys they were just people coming from other male celebrities' galleriesㅋㅋ
The male celebrities' galleries were the ones who said that she was making it obvious.
Please let's stop spreading unfounded rumors ㅎㅎ
post response:
original post: here
1. [+300, -26]
Don't assume that it's because of the Armys that she's posting these comments. The male celebrities' galleries were the ones who conspired and crowded in her Instagram. Armys took PDFs of Suran's comments section and even contacted her through DMs. They even wrote posts telling her to stay healthy and to support her. The male celebrities' galleries were the ones acting trash. Please don't give them attention so we don't cause more troubles to Suran-nim!!!!!
2. [+261, -13]
Even on Pann and on other sites, the fans weren't the ones to care about it and were calling out the trolls but the other fans were the ones being like "ah, cut it down~ this is irrefutable~"
3. [+241, -8]
Armys weren't even the attackers and weren't giving this any attention either. It was people who weren't even fans who made a big fuss about it and hating about it ㅋㅋㅋ it was because of your big mouth that Armys started to care. I wish that you guys would stop crossing the lines with your delusions, that would've prevented this controversy to blow up so big
4. [+67, -8]
But why would she put her playbar at 1 min 7 sec and have different lyrics? There were already articles about her because of the dating rumors so why would she want to do something like this again? She was the one who was fully aware when she posted the picture wearing the same T-shirt, writing things like "it's shinning (T/N: shinning = "yoongi")", and writing posts with grammatical errors. The one who was feeding the trolls was Suran no? Suga was the one who remained quiet all this time while getting dragged into this. What wrong did he do? I'm f*cking annoyed
5. [+53, -18]
But I feel like Suran is just so careless. Last time, she caused a controversy and denied it but why would she personally create another scandal again? She must not know that she would get hate... If ever they were dating, she should remain quiet about it...
6. [+49, -3]
Suran is an attention seeker. 3 years ago, she was in a dating controversy because of her Instagram posts. And then she purposely posts a screencap of 1 m 7 sec to match Suga's, she's just an attention seeker. She clearly knows that she's being a nuisance to others but she's still doing it.