This is the conversation between Gugudan's Soyee and Hanaㅠㅠ She posted on IG
Please send it to the top trending postsㅠㅠㅠㅠ
1. [+160, -0]
I'm a VIXX fan, but Jellyfish's kids are all mistreated and are not able to do what they want to do. They're notorious for prepping high profile kids for months and letting them down. Right now, if you just look at Ravi, you realize that Jellyfish are quite messy here and there, just imagine how much they messed up all this time, I can't even imagine
2. [+135, -3]
They've been in the vacuum for almost 2 years now, Jellyfish must be going crazy
3. [+129, -0]
Gugudan's Saeri is in a Chinese audition program right now and this is the interview she gave. I seriously wonder
Please send it to the top trending postsㅠㅠㅠㅠ

SY: *pic* Why do I relate to it so much?
HN: We're all feeling that way, we're the same

"I need to wake up. I feel a tremendous amount of helplessness not being able to let go of what I want to do. Today was such a sad day"
post response:
original post: here
1. [+160, -0]
I'm a VIXX fan, but Jellyfish's kids are all mistreated and are not able to do what they want to do. They're notorious for prepping high profile kids for months and letting them down. Right now, if you just look at Ravi, you realize that Jellyfish are quite messy here and there, just imagine how much they messed up all this time, I can't even imagine
2. [+135, -3]
They've been in the vacuum for almost 2 years now, Jellyfish must be going crazy
3. [+129, -0]
Gugudan's Saeri is in a Chinese audition program right now and this is the interview she gave. I seriously wonder
what there's left to Gugudan... Their vacuum period is just too long

4. [+121, -0]
Aren't Pristin and Gugudan's circumstances too familiar? They're all kid who were super young but were already good at dancing and singing, but decided to give up on their school days to join the disgusting entertainment world, they both got screwed over with their training and finally debuted, but they're getting this kind of treatment... We really need to root out the issues of the entertainment industry
5. [+103, -14]
Kids, the reason why Gugudan isn't able to comeback is because their fandom was shattered no? They're one of the main reason for their own failures.. Hana released a picture of her eating beef with HanSH and the fans already received a menboong, but still the fans waited. Nayoung who also ate with them remained silent and let the thing pass but Hana kept wearing her couple shoes with with HSH and kept making it obvious so the fans became bitter with time. Meanwhile, during their first Japanese concert, a fansite claimed they also met with HSH, but Hana went on IG and went to attack the fansite so the fans really started leaving at that point ㅜㅜ Hana is the member with the most fansites after Sejung in Gugudan, but after she had her fight with the fansite, they all quit the fandom. The all-fans were also all confused as to why she was hanging out with HSH, meanwhile the akgaes were all claiming that their bias had no fault in this so the fandom was shattered... Also, Sejung and Minah are all doing their own promotions quite well, so they're still preserved... To be honest, I pity them but I wish they can disband. They have no more fandom and the rest of the kids are just wasting their time there