Write your thoughts. I like Suga's raps usually but I still haven't listened to it yet?
Please make me anticipate it even more by telling me your feelings about it
1. [+162, -4]
4. [+66, -66]
Just in case, let's use this for upvote/downvote ㅠㅠ (T/N: there are 4 top comments on the first page, the 4th being the most downvoted comment (usually a hate comment). Knets use this to block the hate comments to appear on the first page)
5. [+59, 0]
Is there anyone who disagree?
"Suga: dissing for the purpose of dissing is not a diss. Rather than criticizing someone specific, it's to express my self-confidence. If you disagree, it's because there's something wrong with you."
2. [+44, 0]
F*cking funny ㅋㅋ why did they go there?
3. [+41, 0]
Kim Seokjin being a gag character with this face is really something
4. [+19, 0]
This looks like Bang PD
5. [+10, 0]
I'm going crazy
Please make me anticipate it even more by telling me your feelings about it
post response:
original post: here
1. [+162, -4]

"Trolls, haters, sweet potatoes (?)"
"Min Yoongi"
2. [+140, -4]
These people always making a fuss asking so and so "what do you think?"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Our kid doesn't f*cking care about what you guys think~~ (T/N: referring to the last sentence below)

"The ten zeros in my bank account, that money is the collateral for my youth
I got a big house big car big ring, bring anything over, I’ll give it to you, my black card
The bastards that received media benefits were on air more often than me
And the brats that boast about their money, you have to wonder how much they could’ve actually learnt
Woo woo, yeah, money boasts are only cute to me now
Woo woo, dividing it only feels bad at your level
Woo woo, we’ll be sure to go to the military when it’s time, so
All the bastards who tried to sell our name to freeload off us, shut up
I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know
At this point, there’s no need to know
I have no fucking interest in those who ask whether idol music is music
It’ll be your last present, but this too is a luxury for you all
High, high, even higher: to the point you won’t even be able to see, uh
What do you think of it, what do you think of it
1st on Billboard, what do you think of it
Next is a Grammy, what do you think of it
However you think of it, I’m sorry, but shit, I have no fucking interest"
3. [+92, -2]
F*****ck I f*cking like it~~~~~~~~~~~
4. [+66, -66]
Just in case, let's use this for upvote/downvote ㅠㅠ (T/N: there are 4 top comments on the first page, the 4th being the most downvoted comment (usually a hate comment). Knets use this to block the hate comments to appear on the first page)

5. [+59, 0]
Is there anyone who disagree?


post response:
original post: here
1. [+50, 0]
Ah seriouslyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+44, 0]
F*cking funny ㅋㅋ why did they go there?

3. [+41, 0]
Kim Seokjin being a gag character with this face is really something
4. [+19, 0]
This looks like Bang PD

5. [+10, 0]
I'm going crazy
