-I know right, I love the lyrics of this song as wellㅠㅠ I mean, the whole song is such an art...
-When I first listened to it, I didn't feel anything. But the more I listen to this song, the sadder I realize it isㅠㅠ
-My favorite song from Twiceㅠㅠ
-This song has a special spot in my heart, it comforts meㅠㅠ My favorite song of them used to be Fancy, but it changed to Feel Special now...
-I have cried while listening to this song...
text-align: left;">-I'm not a fan of Twice, but I actually cried because of this song...
-This is one of the songs that I listen to alot when I'm having a hard time...
-This is my favorite song from Twiceㅠㅠ I love it so much, it just brings me to tears...
-I listen to this song every time I'm going through hard times. It brings me to tears and it also strengthens me at the same time.
-I had no idea this song has such beautiful lyrics...
-Feel Special is one of the best songs that Twice has ever released...
-I listen to this song every morning because it gives me strength and cheers me up...
-I love this song because the lyrics are really relatable...
-I guess I'm not the only one who feels so, thenㅋㅋㅋ