There are two that pop up in my head right now. But during Sports Day, we were picking the students to be part of the relay and the kids were talking about who were good at running and I heard my name...ㅎㅎ that is also a compliment right?! Anyways! That was my most memorable compliment and the one that made me feel the happiest. And the other one was when the kids wrote on my rolling paper "you look like someone who laughs a lot". I felt so happy(ღ•͈ᴗ•͈ღ)

style="text-align: center;">post response:
original post: here
1. [+235, -10]
Let's vote. Telling you that you're pretty vs that you're kind
2. [+90, -5]
People can say anything but isn't being called "pretty" the best?
3. [+85, 0]
I'm not sure if I can call this a compliment..?? Last year, my grandma got dementia. I was cleaning my room and my grandma saw me and said "thank you for being born". That's the one I remember the most
4. [+29, 0]
Both when it comes to compliments, the nuances are more important than the words. For example, if some says "you're pretty~", I would just answer awkwardly "ah... really?ㅎㅎ". Meanwhile, if someone says "wow.. you're seriously pretty;;" you can feel the awe? So these ones get me thrilled ㅋㅋ
5. [+19, 0]
Looking at it, I was always the one giving compliments but never received any...??