Article: Kim Junsu's 8 billion won luxury house, top floor views revealed... the 'young and rich'
Source: X Sports News via Nate
[+1,052, -112] Do you enjoy living in a place like that while your employees are suffering overdue wages? ㅋㅋ
2. [+896, -97] Have you finished paying your hotel employees?
3. [+836, -63] Please stop letting celebrities show off their homes in the media. What's it matter to the rest of us how big and nice their homes are?
4. [+38, -13] Amazing how much money stupid fangirls can get you
5. [+37, -14] 8 billion won... sure, Junsu has worked hard since a young age, but I wonder how many years the average person has to work to make that kind of money.. Very jealous and sad for me to think about..
6. [+31, -9] Yunho would've never showed off a picture like this during these times. Our JYJ members are so rich and yet act so cheap ㅎㅎ
7. [+28, -7] Why would you post a picture like this at a time when people are losing jobs and going bankrupt?
8. [+26, -8] His table set looks so outdated though ㅎㅎㅎ
9. [+20, -16] One guy's showing off his 8 billion won home, one guy's scamming people with fanclub fees more expensive than BTS, and one guy is embarrassing us to the world with a corona prank. What a mess ㅋㅋ
10. [+19, -8] He has so much money and yet no class
11. [+18, -6] He has a great place but his furniture is so tacky with no sense
12. [+15, -6] Such an amazing view but those tacky table and chairs...
2. [+896, -97] Have you finished paying your hotel employees?
3. [+836, -63] Please stop letting celebrities show off their homes in the media. What's it matter to the rest of us how big and nice their homes are?
4. [+38, -13] Amazing how much money stupid fangirls can get you
5. [+37, -14] 8 billion won... sure, Junsu has worked hard since a young age, but I wonder how many years the average person has to work to make that kind of money.. Very jealous and sad for me to think about..
6. [+31, -9] Yunho would've never showed off a picture like this during these times. Our JYJ members are so rich and yet act so cheap ㅎㅎ
7. [+28, -7] Why would you post a picture like this at a time when people are losing jobs and going bankrupt?
8. [+26, -8] His table set looks so outdated though ㅎㅎㅎ
9. [+20, -16] One guy's showing off his 8 billion won home, one guy's scamming people with fanclub fees more expensive than BTS, and one guy is embarrassing us to the world with a corona prank. What a mess ㅋㅋ
10. [+19, -8] He has so much money and yet no class
11. [+18, -6] He has a great place but his furniture is so tacky with no sense
12. [+15, -6] Such an amazing view but those tacky table and chairs...