

It happens that some elements will overlap from time to time and I usually overlook them thinking that it's just a coincidence, but if one group has that many, it makes me wonder if they didn't just copy

On top it's EXO's Monster
in the bottom is NOIR's Lucifer

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  No but isn't this straight up Monster? The hair also reminds me of Sehun's hair when he was promoting Monster, it almost looks like they just covered Sehun's face


there's a group shot like that as well 

post response:
original post: here

1. [+95, -0]
If you can think of another MV when watching one MV, it's clearly plagiarismㅋㅋㅋ  Every time there's talks about plagiarism, people always ask what power do the artists have when their companies are the one shoving what they've decided to them, what kind of opinion do you think they can hold?ㅋㅋㅋ  The company is the only ones to blame here. Even if they've been intertwined together once, I wonder if they want to gain attention from this, but now that I know about them, I'm still not enticed to search about it, they can't gain anything from it but to be known that they plagiarized an MV. I just want them to know that there's nothing to gain from it 

2. [+95, -0]
If we just let it pass, it won't become a big plagiarism controversy, but even the scenery colors are exactly the same.. 

3. [+88, -0]
SM losers, how can your eyes not see this.. 

4. [+47, -0]
This group said that their role models were BTS but they're copying EXO in their MVs which is quite funnyㅋㄱㅌㄱㅋ How did it turn out like this? 

5. [+34, -1]
Tempo2, in top EXO, at the bottom NOIR

6. [+33, -0]
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ  They also took elements from Tempo. EXO isn't a free source; top EXO, bottom NOIR


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