These are seriously so high quality and the members all fit their characters!
RM - Cinderella prince

Jin - Beauty and the Beast prince

3. Suga - Snow White prince

4. Jimin - Little Mermaid prince

J-Hope - The Princess and the Frog prince

V - Sleeping Beauty prince

Jungkook - Rapunzel prince
data-original-height="362" data-original-width="480" src="">
1. [+230, -26]
Jimin fits his perfectly though??
2. [+185, -3]
I thought that Bangtan were the princesses again...
3. [+148, -4]
I'm a muggle but J-Hope fits Peter Panㅋㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+49, -]
Jungkook fits Flynn Rider well though? And V fits the mermaid princess perfectly so is J-Hope and Peter Pan
5. [+38, -10]
No but am I the only one whose heart is f*cking fluttering at Jimin and the little mermaid??????? Jimin's one is the only one that doesn't look like an edit but a real one
6. [+37, -6]
Not sure about the other ones but the Little Mermaid's prince is a perfect fit
7. [+32, -2]

post response:
original post: here
1. [+230, -26]
Jimin fits his perfectly though??
2. [+185, -3]
I thought that Bangtan were the princesses again...
3. [+148, -4]
I'm a muggle but J-Hope fits Peter Panㅋㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+49, -]
Jungkook fits Flynn Rider well though? And V fits the mermaid princess perfectly so is J-Hope and Peter Pan
5. [+38, -10]
No but am I the only one whose heart is f*cking fluttering at Jimin and the little mermaid??????? Jimin's one is the only one that doesn't look like an edit but a real one
6. [+37, -6]
Not sure about the other ones but the Little Mermaid's prince is a perfect fit
7. [+32, -2]
Why do I like J-Hope so much nowadays? He's f*cking handsome, seriously