Article: Park Jin Young welcomes baby girl "The father of two daughters"
Source: Starin via Nate
1. [+376, -26] Congratulations~ The baby may have been born into trying times but I hope that the world
she grows up in will be better than the one we're in now!
2. [+296, -21] Congrats, congrats
3. [+276, -25] Park Jin Young has become the father of two daughters~ congratulations on the birth of the second~
4. [+49, -4] Salvation sect??
5. [+28, -9] I wonder what his wife's face looks like
6. [+26, -1] I remember reading articles a long time ago about how he didn't want kids.. I guess he changed his mind as he got older
7. [+25, -2] Another member to add to the salvation sect
8. [+20, -2] It'd be daebak if both daughters took after Park Jin Young's face~
9. [+13, -5] He's a daughter babo ㅎ
10. [+8, -2] Another daughter?? I hope she takes after the mother...
2. [+296, -21] Congrats, congrats
3. [+276, -25] Park Jin Young has become the father of two daughters~ congratulations on the birth of the second~
4. [+49, -4] Salvation sect??
5. [+28, -9] I wonder what his wife's face looks like
6. [+26, -1] I remember reading articles a long time ago about how he didn't want kids.. I guess he changed his mind as he got older
7. [+25, -2] Another member to add to the salvation sect
8. [+20, -2] It'd be daebak if both daughters took after Park Jin Young's face~
9. [+13, -5] He's a daughter babo ㅎ
10. [+8, -2] Another daughter?? I hope she takes after the mother...