
[Love of 7.7 Billion] Discusses COVID19 with Abnormal Summit guests


Article: 'Love of 7.7 Billion' Tyler, "In the US, the cost of testing COVID19 is up to $4,000"

Source: The Celeb via Nate

1. [+977, -18] Our country's strength is our healthcare system. What's with the brainless politicians, hospital owners, and big corporations demanding to privatize medical system like the US? There's no politician who cares about the citizens...

2. [+846, -19] If we privatized the medical system, we would've ended up like that.

3. [+600, -19] The US wants to copy us and we want to copy the US.

4. [+67, -10] I remember Lee Myung Bak trying to privatize the medical system.

5. [+37, -0] Then foreigners must be trying to enter Korea... We should stop them.

Article: 'Love of 7.7 Billion' Tyler, "Racism towards Asians due to COVID19, a mistake of the media"

Source: Xports News via Nate

1. [+455, -8] Tyler is such a good speaker!

2. [+454, -4] Did you guys see the Chinese representative telling Tyler to be careful? Does he think he's Xi Jinping or what? We have the freedom of expression. Yet he tells Tyler to watch his words and that China is handling coronavirus well. Why did they even feature a Chinese representative? So annoying, I would dislike him even if he was my friend. Tyler only said the right things.

3. [+362, -9] The problem is that China is refusing to admit that they're the source of the virus. Coronavirus is Wuhan pneumonia.

4. [+31, -2] I hope it's not an artificial virus... The virus is one of the most contagious ones I've seen.

5. [+30, -0] The Chinese representative on the show is hopeless... He thinks China is the center of the world. Typical Chinese.

Article: 'Love of 7.7 Billion' Maxime, "In Russia, there's a rumor that most Koreans are Shincheonji followers"

Source: Sports Choson via Nate

1. [+582, -9] Shincheonji and China are cancers of the world.

2. [+392, -12] We're proud citizens of Korea. How dare you.

3. [+317, -37] Crazy idiot, what nonsense is he saying? Are Russians ignorant like that?

4. [+30, -3] Shincheonji is bringing down the reputation of the country! I had no thought on forgiving them and I'm never going to!

5. [+20, -1] What Shincheonji and China did wrong: They should've been transparent with the information from the beginning to stop the spread of the virus. But they were busy hiding and finally revealed information after it got out of hands. But even the information was very much fabricated, so the spread is still happening.

Article: 'Love of 7.7 Billion' Joachim, "In Sweden, men using parental leave is normal, I feel bad for Korean women"

Source: Xports News via Nate

1. [+165, -21] It's unfortunate for both men and women. Men have a parental leave here too but they don't feel comfortable using it.

2. [+148, -18] In our country, if a man uses parental leave, he gets more dirty looks than a woman. That's why men can't use parental leave. When I use a parental leave because my kid is sick, my boss scoffs and wonders why I'm the one using it instead of my wife.

3. [+109, -6] That Chinese guy is so shameless. I hope they don't cast Chinese people on this kind of shows. I hate their Sino-centricism.

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