He got sued for defamation by the artists he named of doing chart manipulation.
Park Kyung's agency stated that he already received the first investigation on March 9th. The investigation date was delayed several times due to COVID-19, but he is very cooperative in the whole process of investigation.
On November, Park Kyung posted on his personal social media account with the caption that said, "I want to do chart manipulation (sajaegi) just like Vibe, Song Haye, Lim Jaehyun, Jeon Sanggeun, Jang Deokchul, and Hwang In Wook". All the artists named in that post are taking legal actions against Park Kyung.
1. [+468][-2] If Park Kyung turns out to be speaking the truth then it would be fucking embarrassing and hilariousㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+417][-3] I'm rooting for Park Kyung
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3. [+352][-3] So it's going to be revealed soon then... Whether if Park Kyung was speaking the truth or not...
4. [+88][-2] This is so fucking annoying, what did Park Kyung do wrongㅋㅋㅋ I don't like seeing my favorite idol getting bothered by sajaegi artistsㅠㅠㅠ
5. [+69][-2] Chill, Park Kyung is just following the procedures. If he did nothing wrong then he's going to be fine, let's just see how it's going to turn out...
6. [+62][-1] Let's say that Park Kyung got punished for defamation, that doesn't make Vibe, Song Haye, and the other's image any better. The public is already resenting them after what Park Kyung said
7. [+47][-0] But after Park Kyung spilled the tea, the music chart has been really clean since then...
8. [+34][-1] Since Park Kyung spoke up, the other artists are encouraged to do the same and now I barely see any suspicious songs ranked in the music charts. It's a good thing, he has my respectㅠㅠ