Kang Daniel came back with a song called 2U recently
And I was so shocked at how pretty his back dancer was on his MCountdown stage... I thought she was an idol
post response:
original post: here
1. [+289, -14]
text-align: left;">Both Kang Daniel and his back dancers are good
2. [+284, -13]
The female dancer looks like a cat while Niel looks like a puppy so they contrast with each other well. It's like seeing a kitty and puppy dancing which makes them look even more cheerful and cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+206, -4]
But Kang Daniel's song is pretty good. It's refreshing. I'm just staying home everyday and it feels so gloomy but listening to his song improves my mood. When is Corona gonna disappear? I'm going crazy
5. [+205, -3]
This girl isn't a trainee. She's a professional dancerㅇㅇ
6. [+205, -39]
Kang Daniel is handsome
7. [+196, -2]
This girl was Jun Somi's back dancer too. I went to follow her on Instagram because I found her pretty in the fancams.

2. [+284, -13]
The female dancer looks like a cat while Niel looks like a puppy so they contrast with each other well. It's like seeing a kitty and puppy dancing which makes them look even more cheerful and cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+265, -S]
This was his back dancer in the MV. He's charming too <3 If you're curious, look at the MV once <3 Here

4. [+206, -4]
But Kang Daniel's song is pretty good. It's refreshing. I'm just staying home everyday and it feels so gloomy but listening to his song improves my mood. When is Corona gonna disappear? I'm going crazy
5. [+205, -3]
This girl isn't a trainee. She's a professional dancerㅇㅇ
6. [+205, -39]
Kang Daniel is handsome
7. [+196, -2]
This girl was Jun Somi's back dancer too. I went to follow her on Instagram because I found her pretty in the fancams.