Article: 'Drunk driving' Hwanhee, a victim... "Accident caused by fault of the opposite car"
Source: Mydaily via Nate
1. [+1,286, -56] What a fuzzy situation... He got caught because the alcohol he drank from the night prior was still in his system... unfortunate for him.
2. [+1,282, -43] He had drinks at 9 pm and went driving the next morning at 6 ㅠㅠ it's an unfortunate situation
3. [+1,080, -38] Information: Hwanhee had drinks at 9 pm and went driving the next morning at 6 am and got into a car accident caused by the opposite car. So to all of you keyboard judges, please put your gavels down.
4. [+97, -6] So the guy that caused the accident realized that Hwanhee's not only a celebrity but also smells of alcohol so he reported him and put the blame on him? What a ba$tard. I hope karma gets him.
5. [+87, -6] I feel bad for him.
It's obvious that he tried to sleep the alcohol out of his system before getting in the car.
6. [+67, -3] I'm not trying to defend him but... normally when you get a good night of sleep after drinking, you usually feel awake and alert the next morning, even though there may still be alcohol left in the system...
7. [+55, -2] I know that driving drunk is bad but don't most people assume that it's out of their system after a night of sleep? Especially people who go to work the next day after a company party. We all have experience partying all night and then driving in to work the next morning with a cup of coffee, don't we?
8. [+48, -4] How unlucky of him....
9. [+39, -1] Even though he was technically drunk driving, I trust that he got behind the wheel because he truly didn't feel it in his system. He just got unlucky this time.
10. [+35, -4] It's difficult to call this a case of drunk driving ㅜㅜ
11. [+30, -2] It's an unfair situation for Hwanhee. Though I do give him credit for saying it's his fault without making up excuses for himself...
12. [+29, -4] Just take a few months break. We all know that this was an unfair situation for you. Come back with good songs next time.
13. [+28, -4] A lot of people spend the night drinking and drive in to work the next morning... Hwanhee was just very truthful about it, and it's an unfortunate situation.
6. [+67, -3] I'm not trying to defend him but... normally when you get a good night of sleep after drinking, you usually feel awake and alert the next morning, even though there may still be alcohol left in the system...
7. [+55, -2] I know that driving drunk is bad but don't most people assume that it's out of their system after a night of sleep? Especially people who go to work the next day after a company party. We all have experience partying all night and then driving in to work the next morning with a cup of coffee, don't we?
8. [+48, -4] How unlucky of him....
9. [+39, -1] Even though he was technically drunk driving, I trust that he got behind the wheel because he truly didn't feel it in his system. He just got unlucky this time.
10. [+35, -4] It's difficult to call this a case of drunk driving ㅜㅜ
11. [+30, -2] It's an unfair situation for Hwanhee. Though I do give him credit for saying it's his fault without making up excuses for himself...
12. [+29, -4] Just take a few months break. We all know that this was an unfair situation for you. Come back with good songs next time.
13. [+28, -4] A lot of people spend the night drinking and drive in to work the next morning... Hwanhee was just very truthful about it, and it's an unfortunate situation.