(pic not included)
post response:
original post: here
1. [+409, -3]
They said that he got married due to a premarital pregnancy
2. [+213, -5]
Our leader tore the maknae's clothes on stage
3. [+183, -4]
He goes around carrying an acorn bag ㅎㅅㅎ
4. [+80, -2]
He got deceived by the producers into becoming an idol ㅋㅋ
5. [+75, -2]
His grandmother's friend has a strawberry field
6. [+71, -7]
He lost his Airpods around 33 times
7. [+68, -2]
When our maknae eats ice cream, it sticks to his lips so he needs to blow on it before eating it
8. [+61, -2]
Before becoming a trainee, he got admitted to Konkuk University in the acting department through the entrance exam