ESTJ - disorder, the things that they can't control, getting ignored
ESTP - boredom, customs, hypersensitiveness
ESFP - loneliness, lack of enjoyment, interdependence
ESFJ - people who harm others, lack of social interactions, people who don't listen to others
ENFP - ambiguity, treason, jealousy
ENFJ - cruelty (abuse), division, feeling abandoned
ENTJ - people who don't work together, laziness, ignorance
ENTP - ignorance, narrow-mindedness, people who don't listen to others
INFJ - misunderstanding, people who show off, injustice
stereotypes, Machiavellian thinking, feeling overpowered
INTP - people who are overly serious, misunderstanding, stupidity
INTJ - people who overly exaggerate, taking orders from others, false reports
ISTJ - lack of direction, feeling powerless, getting misunderstood
ISTP - lack of privacy, rudeness, loss of control
ISFP - rejection, mistakes, people who harm others
ISFJ - not getting acknowledgement from others, getting mocked, insensibility
original post: here
1. I'm ISTP but I resonate better with ENTP
2. Wow f*cking relatable
3. Oh that's totally me
4. I'm ISF* and I relate both with J/P
5. But that's what everyone hates no?ㅋㅋ
6. I read through them all but I hate the ones for my personality the most
7. I always get INTP and INTJ but I relate to all except for "overly serious person".. I don't hate serious people, rather, I hate people who take things too lightly..
8. As expected, I'm INFP
9. Oh I'm ISFP and this is true
10. I'm INFP and this is creepily accurate
INTP - people who are overly serious, misunderstanding, stupidity
INTJ - people who overly exaggerate, taking orders from others, false reports
ISTJ - lack of direction, feeling powerless, getting misunderstood
ISTP - lack of privacy, rudeness, loss of control
ISFP - rejection, mistakes, people who harm others
ISFJ - not getting acknowledgement from others, getting mocked, insensibility
original post: here
1. I'm ISTP but I resonate better with ENTP
2. Wow f*cking relatable
3. Oh that's totally me
4. I'm ISF* and I relate both with J/P
5. But that's what everyone hates no?ㅋㅋ
6. I read through them all but I hate the ones for my personality the most
7. I always get INTP and INTJ but I relate to all except for "overly serious person".. I don't hate serious people, rather, I hate people who take things too lightly..
8. As expected, I'm INFP
9. Oh I'm ISFP and this is true
10. I'm INFP and this is creepily accurate